Rebecca Stamey-White and Erin Kelleher present at CEB's upcoming presentation, So You Want to Sell Booze in California? on April 14th at noon. More information is available here, synopsis of the program below. We hope to see you there!
If your client wants to sell alcoholic beverages, a license from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control is required. This license can be a very valuable, if not essential, asset of your client’s business. This program helps you understand when you need a license and what kind of retail license you need, goes through the ABC licensing process, and outlines some of the pre-requisites that need to be satisfied before a license will issue. Additionally, the program will touch on business models that facilitate the sale of alcohol without a license, and how to license discrete events. Find out how you can help your clients get the kind of license they need and avoid prosecution for licensing violations.
Program Highlights:
- Basics types of retail licenses
- Unlicensed third party providers
- ABC licensing requirements & qualification
- Original issuance and license transfers
- Qualification of new premises & protests
- Acquisition of licensed business assets
- Licensing events where alcohol is sold